Felgo has kindly sponsored the QmlBook, which has resulted in a new chapter. The topic this time around is the Felgo Qt extensions for
integrating various services that are commonly used by app developers, the Felgo cloud builds, as well as their live reloading technology.

When building modern apps there are many things that you might want to integrate – in-app purchases, ads, analytics, user accounts, user settings, real-time sharing of data between devices. Felgo provides integrations of common solutions for this which let’s you focus on developing your app. In the Felgo Plugins chapter, we look at some of them.
Another hassle when developing apps is that you need a Mac to build for Apple devices – unless you use Felgo cloud builds. Felgo cloud builds is a CI/CD solution for building and deploying Qt apps directly to an app store.
In addition to this, the chapter contains a deep dive into the Felgo live reloading solution. We had a quick look at using this in the first Felgo chapter. In this chapter, we look at how you can integrate it into your own executables, as well as how you can use it to develop on multiple devices simultaneously.