Saving code

As you probably know by now, Gitorious is shutting down. A lot of history sits on that site, and much of the code is no longer maintained. Browsing around, I ran into the maemo-tools that has not been touched since 2013. There are still some useful stuff there, so I decided to save it. All tool repositories has been cloned to the maemo-tools-old organization on github.

As I’m only a happy user, I would love to invite the original maintainers, or other interested developers to come work on it, so if you want an invite to the organization so that you can maintain the code, just drop me a mail at e8johan, gmail, com.

foss-gbg on 3D printers

On Monday, 30/3, the foss-gbg group will meet and hack on 3D printers. Invitation in Swedish – tickets are free.

Välkomna på foss-gbg hackafton!

Vi träffas klockan 17:00 den 30/3 och lär oss om 3D-skrivare.

Vi får besök av Göran Frykberg som kör en 3dhub i Mölndal. Han kommer att snacka om printerteknologier och material. Han kommer även att visa lite bruksprodukter och visa varför 3D-skrivare är här för att stanna.

Vid åttasnåret drar vi vidare och umgås över en öl.

Pelagicore står för lokaler och bjuder på lättare tilltugg under tillställningen.

Gratis biljetter hittar ni på eventbrite . Antalet platser är begränsade, så först till kvarn gäller!


Göran Frykberg, Johan Thelin och Mikael Söderberg

Python and me

I like Python, but I’d love it if it had support for types – even if one of them was a generic duck-typed object or variant.

x = {}
k = "potential key"
v = MyValue() # Clearly not a key
if v in x:
  pass # Always fails silently

I apparently live and learn.

Update! Apparently I’m stupid while summarizing the error (always copy, never recall). I did not use k in the if statement, rather, I used v which is not a key. This is a programmer error. However, Python does not tell me so, it just does what it asks it to do, i.e. tell me if the not-a-key is a key.

Thanks to Ralk for pointing this out.