Do not dash in deb

When building Harmattan apps using Qt Creator, it is important not to have dashes in your project name. If you do, the generated desktop file will refer to foo-bar, while the app binary and icon will be named foobar. It is a simple fix, but can be confusing at first.

Symptoms: app starts when launching from Qt Creator, but icon looks odd and app cannot be launched on the device.

June 21st 2012

When your wife has been in pain every 15 to 20 minutes for six days and six nights, you appreciate the sincerity when she asks you to take her to the hospital at four in the morning.

Bloodstains in the ceiling of the delivery room. Women are tough!

After a short routine check, we where admitted. Five hours later, Erik, was born.

The day after, we could leave the hospital and go home. His big sister is delighted to have a little brother.

Everything is going well. We are tired, as expected, but my wife is my hero. Give us a couple of weeks and we’ll be back in the game again!