
Rules Changes and Categories

I thought I'd continue writing about the QtCentre Programming Contest 2008. First up, a rule change: paragraph 7 has been modified to include KDE 4.1.x for the Plasmoid contestants per request. Next, out thoughts on the categories, starting with collaboration.

We want to see collaboration applications, that is, applications that let users interact, create things together and cooperate. Why is this interesting? The world is a more and more interconnected place. While this is a challenge, it is also a place of opportunity, and an area where Qt offers a range of classes that helps you has a developer to be creative. These factors makes us believe that this is a category that can produce great results, so register your entry today!


At 7:15 PM, Blogger elvis said...

That plasmoid rule was the only thing that got a raised eyebrow from me while I skimmed the rules. The change makes sense IMO. Exciting competition! Especially the collaboration category. It feels like so much can be done there!

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Johan Thelin said...

Thanks! And as you can tell, we're always open to discussion, especially this early into the competition.


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